
Bringing the best user experience to our customers is what we strive for. We´re happy to anounce that version 7.1 has been officially realeased and again contains exciting new features and helpful improvements.
The new version contains the following new features:
- DesCAD now offers two user modes (“Simple” and “Advanced”), that can be switched with a click on the Wenzel logo in the top ribbon. While the “Advanced” mode contains the known interface with all possibilities, the “Simple” mode provides a simplified view where unused or distracting functions are hidden.
- Both modes are completely customizable to fit the individual needs of the users.
- DesCAD Monitoring provides e-mail notification in case of a machine error.
- Simplified roughing and finishing functions by reducing the amount of parameters.
- DesCAD milling programs can be exported for DT Robot and DT Mill.
- Log- and setting files can now get zipped automatically for support requests.
Additionally we implemented the following improvements:
- Deleting polylines in container drilling dialog updates 3D view correctly.
- The warning dialog for an upcoming license expiry pops up.
- Automatic deletion of older WPC logfiles can remove files with more than 4GB.
- All icons can fit in the top ribbon at any time.
- The coordinates on the right side are shown in the right font size.
- Tool position get updated after an emergency stop during head rotation.
- Creating feature cuboid function has been improved.